Sunday, July 19, 2009

All the Way to the Moon, and Back

I think it is fitting to launch my new blog on the eve of the anniversary of the Moon landing.

I can imagine how those guys felt, taking one small step for man and a giant leap for mankind. After all, that's how I felt the first time I held my own child. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew that it was going to be an adventure.

Now, years later, I reflect on those first moments of uncertainty and realize that I have learned so much - and that I still have miles to go!

I hope you'll take some comfort, dear reader, as I chronicle the daily chaos of raising my children, that we all have days when we'd like to send them straight to the moon. When they offer you whine, certainly you're inclined to serve up a little green cheese with it!

Just keep in mind that they have their moments, too, when you love them all the way to the moon, and back.

Have fun!


  1. Yay and finally! You are such a talented writer and I'm looking forward to reading your blog, Lara. I need all the comforting mothering advice I can get. :-)

  2. Loooove it! I've been to your other bloghome also.
