Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm a better mother than I am a blogger. . .

I'm back. Oh, it's only been a couple of years or so. . .

I will definitely have to update my "about me" stuff, but here's what we've got going on today. . .

I'm procrastinating writing a bio for my City Council campaign. Yes I am, and yes I did! I know you're laughing, but it's just crazy enough to work. If you've read through a few of my blogs, you can actually see where my "education" into the workings of City government began when I received notice of a code violation and stuck a nasty sign in my yard. It turned out to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship with the friendly folks in the Code Enforcement office. . .and an early step in my education about doing the right thing and looking out for my neighbors. The important life lesson: be willing to listen to the other side of the story.

But what of my children?? Oh, they are all up and at 'em this morning - the two who still live at home still need to clean their rooms and the two who made it over the wall are "fully involved" in life. The oldest son and bonus daughter are raising a child and planning a wedding in March. The oldest daughter is in school and working and also lives on her own. Her younger brother just moved into the 'hood (adulthood!) and, while he remains at home, he is no longer homeschooling - he's working on his diploma at the local college. And the last "last" child is scrounging her way through fourth grade at the elementary school up the road. We'll catch up on all of that soon, dear reader. . .much has changed in my life.

And yet, some things remain the same. I need to get back to work. Hello, my name is Lara and I am a procrastinator. But I guess we all have to be a "pro" at something.

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I just brushed myself off because when I realized who this blog belonged to, I literally fell out of my chair! Wow! She blogged!
